Coverdell Education 储蓄

Enjoy the tax advantages of a Coverdell Education 储蓄 for your child's education expenses.

All Earnings Grow Tax-Free and Stay Tax-Free

A Coverdell Education 储蓄 Account is a personal savings plan that has the potential to provide tax advantages for future education expenses.¹

Tuition is a no-brainer!

Paying for tuition is a done deal, thanks to our Coverdell Education 储蓄 Account. Either you or your parents can deposit up to $2,000 each year until you’re 18 years old. Start earning dividends with as little as $50.1 Plus, add to it anytime.

You can also choose to open a Coverdell ESA Certificate with a minimum of $1,000,1 and earn a competitive fixed rate for the term of the certificate. Even select the maturity date anytime between three months to five years. 

Ready Whenever You Are

Money can be used tax-free for qualified education expenses, 包括学费, 制服, 书, 学术辅导, 电脑和更多.

Good For Your Family, Too

Account is transferable to other family members under the age of 30.

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了解更多 about 主要储蓄 accounts with California Coast Credit Union. Contact us today to get started.

货币市场 储蓄

A 货币市场 储蓄 account is perfect for those looking for easy access to their funds and higher dividend rates.


了解更多 about 聪明的储蓄 accounts with California Coast Credit Union. Contact us today to get started.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. 利率 are accurate as of 05/11/2024. 利率 and terms are subject to change without notice. 访问 or visit one of our branch locations for details on rates, 费用, and minimum balance requirements. 会员 and credit subject to approval. Serving everyone who lives or works in San Diego or Riverside counties. A one-time $5 membership fee and savings account required. 限制. 

  1. Additional restrictions apply. Consult your tax advisor. Ask us for current rates. Penalty for early withdrawal applies to all certificate types unless otherwise indicated. 利率 and terms are subject to change without notice. 


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